It seems to me wherever you are on holiday they have the same stores as we have at home, so I never bother. I do always look in a thrift shop if there is one. I bought 3 little pieces of fabric just right for hexagons and an oval cross stitch frame for $1 and a larger round embroidery hoop for $2.50. At another thrift shop I found 2 small pieces of mauve homespun, 20c each and a blue huckaback hand towel with a little Scottie dog printed on it for $1.50. In the $2.00 store there were 2 plastic containers just right for keeping threads in. That is my kind of shopping.
These are T&M's beautiful stud bulls. The three older ones are going into an All Breeds Bull Sale the local stock agents are having. They are very quiet and will do very well at producing cross bred beef calves. Because they were all born on our place I am a bit sad to see them go, but you cannot be sentimental on a farm. See you big fellas!
What do you do when you are away for a few days? Read? Walk on the beach? Some stitching of course! Oh, and make some tomato relish. We bought a big bag of lovely ripe tomatoes very cheaply and I had to do something with them. Luckily there were a few empty jars in the kitchen cupboard of the unit where we were staying.
"All is safely gathered in ere the Winter storms begin"
Well, not exactly the "Harvest" but it is always a relief to have the hay done and stacked, especially when there is more rain expected and it doesn't feel like hay weather. This is from just one of our hay paddocks, the rest is in a shed near the road for easier access during winter.
This one has been a while in the making, a little quilt-as-you-go blue hexie that has used leftovers from a larger one I finished some time ago. I really like using this method, it is very portable and is finished when all the hexagons are sewn together.