I rarely go off to sleep without reading for a while and unless I have to be somewhere, I also read while I have my morning coffee. Since childhood, books and reading have always been an integral part of my daily life. Fortnightly visits to the library were routine and that little stack of books I brought home were a promise of enjoyment. For many years on my birthday, I received a book from my Aunt Helen, a talented teacher who had a long and distinguished career. That book was always a highlight and I still get that feeling when I come across one I think I may enjoy.
I mostly buy books at Thrift Shops, keeping them if they are enjoyable or sending them straight back if not. During a recent rummage in one of our locals I found a set of books in their own box by Lillian Beckwith. She was not an author I was familiar with and the books were in very poor condition. I was about to put them back when I noticed the illustration of a lady in a red coat glaring at a seagull that had just splattered her painting with it's droppings.

The set came home with me and I am enjoying her stories of life on a Hebridean Croft during the 1950's and on the lookout for more of her work. The illustrations by
Douglas Hall charmingly called "Decorations" are delightful.
Miss Beckwith is proving great company.
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